“I Have a Dream Too!!”
My New Year’s Resolution’s!!!!!!
My New Years Resolution is to work out with my mom and dad and my sister’s.I will go out in the morning and the afternoon and maybe in the night with my sister’s and my parent’s.I am thanking about useing the food that is on t.v. but it is low fat.I also want to get my grades up.I will listen to my teacher more often and I want to punish my mind to the teacher.Than my last one is to see my dad more often and I have to tell my mom that i wan’t to go and see him and my 4 year old brother.That is my Resolution’s:)
My New Year Resolution!!
I hope that I get along with all the people. .I will work harder at school.I will also listen to the teacher and do what they say.I wan’t to see my brother Daimeon Gbawar and my dad Danny Gbawar more often.I also want to have more friend than I already have. I just want to have more fun than I already do.Yall are alsome in cool.What is your New Year’s Resolution??
My Thanksgiving is awsome and I had alote of people come to my ants and my palpals. It was alot food and I am going on a diet after.Because I have to save up for Cristmas so I can have some more present and more food than im going to do on a diet for a hole year an than the next year i will get fat some more than i will probley work out and get skiny than I want to give all my teachers all a happy Thanksgiving.