I think you shouldn’t keep the $100 in check or cash.Lets say you find the money and someone is with you and they convince you to keep it.Do the opposite.Be decent if they convenced you 100 time you still shouldn’t do it.You should call the store or some thing and tell them to call you and if someone comes and tells you how much it is.But if not you can keep it but atleast wate for 24 hours.So if so dont lie about it.
To show respect you know how alote of people come and the class room and you’re about to play a game. You’re teacher says to get an 2 groups.Than you get an 1 big group and there is like 2 people are an the other group.She tells you to go into equal groups.Then another persontells you ew I dont want tobe on there team there are not smart and there clothes are ugly.That will make them fill sad.do you know how you dont like people making you fill sadand fill left out that is how they fill.You see
Students Shouldn’t Get Paid For Going To School!!!
Student do not need to get paid for going to school.They already pay you for teaching you things.Thank about it people in China do not get to go to school they have to work at the age of 6 years old. I’m glade I get to go to school it is fun.the principals pay a lot of money like on the A.C. they all so pay for every thing you do.If it wasn’t for the school a lot of of children will be on there at home.So be happy you get to go to school.
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